dimanche 6 avril 2008

Ruh roh

I'm fairly positive I'm going to fail calc. Damn. God if you're up there, just give me a C, please?


4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Wow, you got to be better at calc then me cos I don't even know what it is. To me it is a maths class that everyone in american teen comedies takes and is failing in. So if nothing else you are up there with some great characters.

Tough luck on the man fast, as long as you had an enjoyable time ;)

Jenamie a dit…

Haha I never thought of calc that way! There really are some great characters out there who fail it, I'd love to be in that category with them!

Oh and my new opinion of man fasting might be that it's overrated if it means having as much fun as I had. A very enjoyable time indeed!! :)

Anonyme a dit…

Ha ha! Well I am glad I could give you a new way to view calc. :)

Anonyme a dit…

girl please tell me you didn't "boink" the guy you just said you weren't going to!!!